What are "tonos de llamada anime"? Top 10 popular anime ringtones

What are "tonos de llamada anime" mean?

Anime ringtones, or "tonos de llamada anime" are ringtones that feature audio clips from popular anime series, movies, or soundtracks. These ringtones can include opening or ending theme songs, iconic character voices, or memorable sound effects that resonate with anime fans. They allow fans to personalize their mobile phones with sounds that reflect their love for anime, adding a unique and culturally significant touch to their devices. Anime ringtones have become increasingly popular, especially with the rise of anime's global influence and the growing community of anime enthusiasts who want to carry a piece of their favorite series with them everywhere they go.

Top 10 Anime Ringtones on Tonos123

  1. Naruto Shippuden Opening 16 – "Silhouette" by KANA-BOON

This high-energy opening theme from "Naruto Shippuden" is instantly recognizable and beloved by many fans. Its upbeat tempo and catchy melody make it a perfect ringtone.


2. Attack on Titan Opening 1 – "Guren no Yumiya" by Linked Horizon

Known for its epic and intense vibe, this song has become iconic within the anime community. Its powerful orchestration and memorable lyrics make it a favorite choice for ringtones.


3. One Piece Opening 1 – "We Are!" by Hiroshi Kitadani

As the first opening theme of the long-running series "One Piece," "We Are!" has a nostalgic and adventurous feel, embodying the spirit of the Straw Hat Pirates.


4. My Hero Academia Opening 2 – "Peace Sign" by Kenshi Yonezu

"Peace Sign" is an energetic and motivational song that captures the essence of "My Hero Academia." Its dynamic rhythm makes it an excellent ringtone for fans of the series.


5. Sword Art Online Opening 1 – "Crossing Field" by LiSA

This opening theme from "Sword Art Online" has a fast-paced and uplifting tune. LiSA's powerful vocals and the song's energetic beat make it a popular choice.


6. Tokyo Ghoul Opening 1 – "Unravel" by TK from Ling Tosite Sigure

"Unravel" is known for its hauntingly beautiful melody and emotional intensity. Its unique sound has made it a standout favorite among anime ringtones.


7. Dragon Ball Z Opening – "Cha-La Head-Cha-La" by Hironobu Kageyama

A classic opening theme that has been a part of many fans' childhoods, "Cha-La Head-Cha-La" is upbeat and instantly recognizable, making it a nostalgic ringtone option.


8. Death Note Opening 1 – "The WORLD" by Nightmare

This dark and gripping opening theme from "Death Note" has a powerful rock influence, perfect for fans who want a more intense and dramatic ringtone.


9. Neon Genesis Evangelion Opening – "A Cruel Angel's Thesis" by Yoko Takahashi

As one of the most iconic anime openings, "A Cruel Angel's Thesis" is beloved for its catchy and uplifting tune, making it a timeless choice for a ringtone.


10. Demon Slayer Opening – "Gurenge" by LiSA

"Gurenge" is a recent hit from the hugely popular series "Demon Slayer." Its high-energy and motivating sound, along with LiSA's impressive vocals, make it a top favorite.

These top 10 anime ringtones from Tonos123 reflect the diversity and popularity of various anime series across different genres and time periods. Each ringtone not only serves as a personalized audio alert but also as a reminder of the anime's memorable moments and emotional connections for the fans. Anime ringtones allow enthusiasts to express their fandom and carry a piece of their favorite shows with them wherever they go. Whether it's the nostalgic sound of "Cha-La Head-Cha-La" from "Dragon Ball Z" or the energetic beat of "Silhouette" from "Naruto Shippuden," these ringtones offer a way to make everyday phone calls a little more exciting and personally meaningful.

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